I. Protect Intimacy
II. Honor Difference
III: Uproot Corruption
IIII: Revel in Mystery
V: Play Life
Vulnerability shall not be violated.
This is the great Tabu.
Privacy and Protection are Rights
beyond Price.
Trust is the ultimate value,
its betrayal the evilest sin.
It takes all kinds to make a world,
even just your own small world.
A mongrel is a healthy dog!
All kinds of fellows are good.
Mix it up.
Let people be odd.
Let the dying die
and let the borning flourish!
If tis sick, heal it,
or get rid of it.
Corruption will infect everything
if you let it. Dont!
Beyond Understanding,
Over the Horizon,
Abyssal Potency
drives life!
What we do not know
somehow emanates us.
into the holy hole.
Play is the furnace
where the future is forged.