Unless otherwise noted, all text on Antimony is licensed under a
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Words and images on Antimony are by Fred Hatt
unless otherwise noted.

Fred Hatt does not authorize
any primarily commercial use of this material,
including its use in training A.I. software.
Negotiated licensing is required.

for Artists, Performers, Writers, Directors, Teachers:

Rap them, sing them, act them, illustrate them, film them,
translate them,

use them as titles,

use them as prompts,
as long as you give me clear credit for them wherever you use them.
If possible, please link to this site,
and let me know by email.

Antimony is monolog.
There are no comments on the site.
You may email me:
fred at fredhatt dot com.

Material on Antimony may be available online for limited time,
and may later be offered in printed or other published form,
possibly re-edited,
possibly under different copyright conditions.
All options reserved.