Fred Hatt at the opening of the group exhibition "Lineal Investigations" at Housatonic Museum of Art, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 2007. Fred Hatt's large drawing "Mesh" is seen at right. Photo by Susan Berkowitz
I still sometimes show my work in art galleries, but this blog has become my best venue. It allows me to present much more work to a much larger audience, and it’s freely accessible almost everywhere.
I won’t criticize galleries here, as they can perform vital functions in promoting and legitimizing an artist’s work, and of course viewing artwork on the web in no way equals the experience of seeing the original work. But I often have more visitors to this blog in one day than visitors that see my work in a gallery during the entire run of a show. For the art lover, the blog is always open, doesn’t require walking a mile from the nearest subway, and instead of being eyed disdainfully by a gallery attendant hiding behind a computer monitor, you get to hide behind a computer monitor yourself!
The price of work sold through a gallery must usually cover a large gallery commission, as well as the cost of framing the work. This can make it very expensive.
I grew up in Oklahoma and didn’t have much access to art galleries. I was introduced to the arts through art books, periodicals, PBS shows, and other such relatively populist media. I’ve always seen art as something that should be shared broadly. I’ve never really identified with the elitist high-luxe commodity culture approach that’s behind the marketing of today’s art stars.
So today on this blog I’m launching my Purchase page. It’s really simple. You can order inexpensive prints of any of my work that I’ve posted here or on my other websites, or you can get original artwork direct from me for less than you’d pay at a gallery. In either case, just email me.
I expect the Purchase page to grow over time, with the addition of books, DVDs and other original media. I’m also open to commissions, suggestions or requests, so don’t hesitate to contact me.