The Ancient Way sees Spirits in every thing,
the little things and the awesome things.

A River is a spirit.
Weather is a drama of several spirits.
A Bird is a soaring spirit.
Insects are a spirit swarm.
Human Cultures and Works of Art are spirits.
Mother Earth is a spirit.
Mathematics and Physics are spiritual realms,
the Universe is a Living Being
made up of living beings.
Its spirits all the way down.

All Spirits are living, changing systems.
Their ways baffle us,
but if we study the Spirits we meet day by day,
we can learn to live with them.

Now our Preachers say theres only one Great Spirit,
and everything else alive is NotGod, or FalseIdol.

In that mindset we blind ourselves to the diverse Living Spirits.
In this Company only the Big Boss matters, not the workers.
We lose our harmony with all the little Spirits,
and miss the obvious:
God is composed of ALL these Living Spirits.
Rejecting Them, we reject Him also!

People suffer.
Earth suffers.
Life suffers.

Let the Living Spirits learn you their ways.
In touching them, you are with God.
Spiritu Sancti!
Holy Ghost!