We learn certain ways of looking at the world,
but when the world changes, you are changed.
The old labels dont quite fit.
The old ways no longer work.

You may find yourself in an impossible situation.
fails to cast the play.

Can we go back to basic dualities?
Earth & Sky
Dark & Light
Within & Outside
Gravity & Electricity
Wet & Dry
Young & Aged

Gaze in awe on these primal dyads.
These are a lens
by which to get a good look
at the world.

Let go of all the words,
or better yet, use everchanging words.

Light without Dark is a burning sensation.
Dark without light breeds demons.

Light & Dark go together,
as a continuum of values, a gamut.

All dualities have this quality, of producing a spectrum,
of vibrating between extremes.

Nothing means anything except by having qualities.
The world is woven by thrummed strings.