DRAWING LIFE by fred hatt


New Calendar and Prints Available

Filed under: My Work for Sale,Photography: Elemental Forces — fred @ 23:31

Thumbnail images for “Dynamic Elements: Photography of Fire and Water by Fred Hatt”, a calendar for sale on RedBubble.com

In time for last-minute holiday shopping, I’ve added a lot of new material to my page at RedBubble, the print-on-demand source for beautiful quality prints, cards and calendars.

The images above are from the new calendar “Dynamic Elements”, featuring my photos of fire and water.    You can order it or my earlier “Energy Within: The Art of Fred Hatt” calendar starting with any month you wish.

I’ve also uploaded a lot of my new figure drawing, body painting, and light painting images, available as greeting cards, postcards, posters, or prints – matted, mounted, or framed – in various sizes.  I’ve chosen images that have proven popular, based on page views here, or reposts on Tumblr or Pinterest.  If there are images from Drawing Life or one of my other sites you’d like to have made available there, let me know in the comments.

Prices are reasonable and the quality of the items I’ve ordered from RedBubble has been top-notch.  Please check out my portfolio on RedBubble.

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